Office 365

Sign in

Office shortcut on the Desktop at school...

If you're not on a school computer, you can access it in a browser - just go to and click on Sign in...

You need to type your school email address:

If you type the email address in correctly, the next screen will ask for your password. That's the same password as what you use for logging into a computer at school.

Then it'll ask you if you want to stay signed in, or remember the password. Say "yes" to both.

Navigating Office 365

When you first sign in, you'll the the home screen with all the apps like this...

The app buttons will open the browser versions of the apps, but you can download and install the desktop versions of the same Office programs for free at home.

When you're in an app, click on the grid of squares in the top left corner...

This opens a panel. From here you can go back to the home screen by clicking on the "Office 365" link, or go directly to any of the apps...