Logging on/off
Log On
- Log on with your student number. The default password is your DOB (YYYYMMDD).
- if you are having trouble logging in, make sure you don't have any spaces before or after your username. You should see "username" in the first box before you start typing.
Change your Password
Once you're logged in, you can change your password to something else (CTRL+ALT+DEL).
You'll get a blue screen with these options... choose "Change a password".
- Type in your current password in the "old password" box.
- Type in whatever you want your new password to be in the other 2 boxes. It must be at least 8 characters long or it won't change it.
Log off
When you leave class, don't turn off...
- the monitor OR
- the computer (press the power button on the computer box).
You can go to the Start button and then go to the profile icon... and choose "Sign Out".
or use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+ALT+DEL ... and then choose "Sign Out".